Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hey, hey! You've got this! Remember, if you do not have a printer at home, do not panic. You do not have to print out any of these pages in order for you to complete the work. You can just get a sheet of notebook paper and write your answers down. You do not have to copy each sentence, just simply write your answer! Before you begin your work for today enjoy these videos and pictures from your classmates.

1. First, watch this video. We are going to check your answers for "Scientists and Inventors" and "Tropical Rain Forests of the World, Where Are You?".
2. **Read all of this information before clicking on anything! Complete the rainforest flipbook by reading through these notes. All you will need for this activity is 2 sheets of copy paper or white construction paper, a stapler, and coloring supplies.

Use this PowerPoint as a guide to help you with drawing each animal or plant onto your flipbook.

Watch this video for directions on how to fold a flipbook.

*Your writing will go under each flap and drawings will go on top of each flap.

Use these examples to help you:

This is a grade. Please click this link to see the rubric on how you will be graded. When you have double checked your work take a picture of each page of your flipbook and submit it to me in ONE email. I will post your grade on NetClassroom ASAP. 

We will come back tomorrow to take the electricity vocabulary quiz. Now is your chance to play a couple more rounds of Quizlet! Now go play outside, play a game with your family, cook something new, or read a book! 

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