Thursday, March 19, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

It's Friday! Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite, Friday is my favorite, Friday day is my favorite day! (You were supposed to sing that to yourself. :) Welcome back! Today is your last day of virtual class for this week. Thank you for sticking with me. I hope you have enjoyed this experience just as much as I have! Hopefully next week it will be a breeze for you since you've had 4 days of practice now.

Lets start our class off with some awesome videos from your classmates. (If your video isn't on the blog today, be on the lookout, it will be on here next week!!)


1. Watch this video to get the scoop. Today's video has a special guest.  

2. I really wanted you to watch another Animated Hero Classic about Thomas Edison, but technology can be frustrating at you get a little tiny break today. No video. I couldn't find it on YouTube or Discovery Education. However, when we come back together, if we get a chance, we can watch it at school because I do have a personal copy. :) 

3. Complete the "Learning Power Crossword Puzzle". We will come back together on Monday to check our answers. 

Be sure you are keeping all of your papers or sheets of notebook paper in the Science section of your binder. It is important that you have them labeled so that you can refer back to them if necessary. Organization is key while you are learning from a distance! Be prepared because you will have some grades next week. One of them will be your magnetism and electricity vocabulary quiz on Thursday so study up. :) 

Have a fabulous weekend and I'll see you online on Monday! 

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