Thursday, May 14, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

HAPPY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you this year and look forward to seeing you next year as a 5th grader! I hope you all have a fantastic summer!

1. Watch this farewell video.

2. If you haven't completed your assignment for this week you will need to complete it today!

I don't know about you, but I sure have missed going to Science lab 3 times each month! This week you are going to have a chance to "go to Science lab". You will visit Mrs. Bryant's Science blog. You will need to find one Science experiment to complete TODAY. Remember to scroll through her blog, it doesn't have to be an experiment that she posts this week, it can be one from the past. You will need to take pictures to show evidence that you completed that experiment and have someone email them to me. This will count as your Science lab grade for the quarter. Have fun and remember to use those safety lab rules!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Happy Thursday! All the blog posts will look the same this week. If you didn't complete your assignment earlier this week you will need to complete it today or tomorrow.

I don't know about you, but I sure have missed going to Science lab 3 times each month! This week you are going to have a chance to "go to Science lab". You will visit Mrs. Bryant's Science blog. You will need to find one Science experiment to complete this week (it doesn't matter if you complete it today or wait until Friday...your choice). Remember to scroll through her blog, it doesn't have to be an experiment that she posts this week, it can be one from the past. You will need to take pictures to show evidence that you completed that experiment and have someone email them to me. This will count as your Science lab grade for the quarter. Have fun and remember to use those safety lab rules!