Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun day of learning at home yesterday! We will continue with our work just as we did yesterday. Follow the list in order to complete your tasks.

1. Watch this video. I will go over the answers to your "Current Electricity" scavenger hunt and your "Magnet Trivia" sheet from yesterday. After checking those answers we will begin our work for today.

2. First, complete the "Static and Current Electricity" reading comprehension sheet. If you don't have a printer remember you can simply write just the answers on a sheet of notebook paper. We will check these answers together tomorrow.

3. Next, complete "Louie's Scramble" by clicking on this link. Remember, there are 2 pages to this activity. We will check these answers together tomorrow.

3. Finally, read the pages about Thomas Edison and Lewis Latimer.

Remember to find something fun to do now like playing outside, playing with your pet, playing a card game or a board game, going for a walk with your family, making something in the kitchen together, reading a book, drawing, etc. I'll see you back here tomorrow for some more learning fun!

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