Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Welcome back to class! First we will check over our answers for the "Static and Current Electricity" reading comprehension sheet and then we will check "Louie's Scramble". Today we will be talking about the invention of the telephone along with the well-liked inventor, Alexander Graham Bell.

1. First, watch this video so you can get the scoop.

You get real life in this video. Mrs. Hollingsworth messed up, but I didn't want to have to retake my video again. I couldn't read the handwriting on my answer sheet. The conductor is not a penny, but a PENCIL! I told you I would get back with you on that. :) Also, why did I call it "Louie's Scramble" when it so clearly says "Louie's Scrabble" at the top of the page?! Oh my!

2. Next, click the first link to get a fill-in-the-blank form for the telephone notes. Click the second link if you want the blanks already filled in for you. Just please make sure you read them! Be sure this paper gets put in the Science section of your binder.

3. Finally, click the first link to watch the video about Alexander Graham Bell. Click the second link to get the paper (or just use a sheet of notebook paper) to write down at least 10 interesting facts you came up with about Alexander Graham Bell during the video.

4. For fun (not a necessity), you could print out this Alexander Graham Bell packet to color and solve all of the fun puzzles.

Challenge: with your parent's permission take a video of yourself doing something me your pet, show me a drawing you've done recently, show me a trick on your trampoline, show me how you skateboard, roller blade, ride your bike, hoverboard, etc. I want to see you in action! Once you've created your video have your parent email it to me. I may just have a special something up my sleeve for Friday. See you all back here tomorrow!

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