Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tuesday, March 17

Welcome to class! Today we are going to continue learning about electricity and magnetism. Follow these steps to complete your classwork today. If you do not have a printer at home, do not panic. You do not have to print out any of these pages in order for you to complete the work. You can just get a sheet of notebook paper and write your answers down. You do not have to copy each sentence, just simply write your answer! Here is the order I would like for you to go in today:

1. Watch this video. 
2. Click on this link to read the pages of the Science textbook in order to complete the "Current Electricity" page, which is the scavenger hunt that goes along with the textbook pages. Remember that you already read these pages in class on Friday!

3. Click this link to see the "Current Electricity" scavenger hunt. Complete the "Current Electricity" page by referring back to those textbook pages. 
4. Click this link to see the "Magnet Trivia" sheet. Complete this page by circling whether you think the statement is true or false.

5. **Optional- Happy St. Patrick's Day! If you'd like something else to do go to and sign-in using the username and password that I emailed your parents. Watch the video Holiday Kids: All About St. Patrick's Day. Enjoy!

We will come back tomorrow to check our answers for the scavenger hunt and "Magnet Trivia"! Now go play outside, play a game with your family, cook something new, or read a book! 

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