Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hello! I sure am missing seeing you. I need some more hugs, I need to see your smiling faces, and I wanted to try to reach your goal of filling up my window with Mrs. Martin's prize stickers! However, I know that God has a plan in all of this. I am going to plan something FUN for when all this has passed us. Know that I love you with all my heart!

Complete your assignments in this order:

1. Watch this video:

2. Complete the types of mountains flapbook. This is a grade. You will need to take pictures of the front and under each flap and email them to me in ONE email. I have uploaded an example here if you'd like to print this...it should be printed 2-sided. Otherwise follow my video instructions on how to fold your flapbook and where to write everything.

Template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1umjPU-MAs2oEQof6oY8e3TLR4bkZhYlu/view?usp=sharing

Notes: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/174CYztQb42oxLJnetBOMBNiMATKtQOEMNBOGgevS5is/edit?usp=sharing

            1. Get a sheet of white copy paper, white construction paper, or notebook paper.
            2. Fold your paper long ways, what I refer to as "hot dog style".
            3. Create 4 equal flaps. (It helps to cut the top paper in half and then divide the 2 sides so                        they will be equal.)
            4. Write the title of each type of mountain on the outside of each flap.
            5. Write each definition (all bullet points from each slide) on the inside, top flap.
            6. Draw a picture of the type of mountain on the inside, bottom flap. Label your drawing as                      to where that type of mountain can be found.
            7. Add color.

3. Complete the textbook scavenger hunt to go with the pages we read yesterday. Remember you can use the textbook pages to help you. We will go over the answers together tomorrow.

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