Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Happy Thursday! Today is your last day of distance learning for the week. I hope you will take some time to pray and thank God for the sacrifice of His Son tomorrow as it is Good Friday--the day that Jesus was nailed to the cross for our sins. This Sunday is Easter Sunday. What a gift we have to worship God freely! I pray that each of you will feel God's love this weekend. If you don't already have a church to attend or your family hasn't been watching a church online, I'd love to invite you to watch my church, Ingleside Baptist at Happy Easter! 

1. Watch this video:
2. Read the “types of volcanoes” notes by looking at the PowerPoint provided.

3. Using your knowledge of volcanoes, as well as your creative thinking skills, design a comic strip based upon the character “Super” Volcano! You can use this paper that I have provided or you can just make up your own on notebook paper or copy paper. Have fun being creative!

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