Sunday, April 5, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020

Welcome back to my distance learning classroom. I hope you had a wonderful spring break and that you were still able to find something fun to do! My family went to the strawberry patch, had dessert every night, played games together, watched movies, and spent a lot time outside (not on roller blades). :) It is time to get started with a new week of distance learning...let's do this thing!

Complete everything in this order:

1. Watch this video:

2. Read over the rainforest layers notes or flipbook that you created and complete the “Layers of Life” sheet for a grade. If you cannot print at home, you can draw the animals to the best of your ability on a blank sheet of paper and write their description and the layer they belong with. Please take a picture of your assignment and email it to me when you are finished. (If you have a scanner at home you could also scan it for a clearer image.)

2. Watch Magic School Bus In the Rainforest (There is a video on YouTube,, but a better version is on Netflix, season 3, episode 12, if your family has an account.)

3. Complete this sheet as you watch the video. We will check the answers together tomorrow.

4. Read over these instructions for your bird nest project due on Thursday, April 16. You will want to work on this a little each day as it is a grade. Email me with any questions.

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